Mixage Fou Competition 2020

" Le Mixage Fou remains open until September 20, 2020. FYI, the goal is to create an original sound creation of 80 seconds from a given sound bank for free."

This year the sound bank is in “ambisonic” format, that is to say recorded at 360 °. We offer tutorials and free tools to decode it in stereo (or other) here:

There are 40 files / .wav / 24bits 48Khz / Format B / ambiX / order 1 (4 channels) = 3.3 GB to download freely here:
édition #11 - Mixage Fou

We have set up a web player to listen to this bank before downloading it (you can also download only the independent files ) here: banque sonore 2020 - Mixage Fou

A new category “Mix Object” is available to deposit your creation. For this, we approached the French company Flux :: (https://www.flux.audio/) which offers to submit your complete mixing session with the use of the Spat Revolution (a one-month license is offered on the Mixage Fou site). Note that you can deposit 1 original crazy mix per category (5 in all: stereo, binaural, 5.1, Auro 3D 9.1 and Mix Object)

This came per mail. I have nothing to do with this competition but I thought one of you might be interessted.


Awesome thanks. Will check it out

El El vie, 4 de septiembre de 2020 a la(s) 2:45, Christina Baron via tracks <tracks@trks.ac> escribió: